Ostomy Toronto Newsletter | March 2024
President's Report 
March 2024

I think if I had to choose, it's this time of year that I dislike the most. You never know what the weather will be. It's warmer but still cold at night, we get fair bit of rain and a bit of snow... hopefully spring will come soon, the mud will dry up and we can enjoy being outside again!


Recently we received the sad news of the passing of Roger Ivol. I know many of our members knew him as I did. I had the opportunity to chat with Roger on few occasions at different ostomy conferences. Roger always had a soft way of discussion; he was a great person, a fantastic advocate for his fellow ostomates and the community as a whole. He will be missed by many including myself.


This month we will have 2 Zoom Meetings:
The first is our Peer Support Meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:30pm 
The Second meeting is on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7:30pm and features Andrea Murphy from Coloplast doing a manufacturer's night. She will show the new products they have and respond to any questions you have.

I just wanted to remind everyone that you can try the new link we have in our newsletter for the myostomy.ca website. They are a fantastic online retailer and I recommend you give them a try.

I hope everyone stays healthy and safe.

Thanks for your support,
Jim Fitzgerald
Ostomy Toronto

Photo by Berkay Gumustekin
March 12: Peer Support/Open Forum Meeting

Join Ostomy Toronto for our Peer Support/Open Forum Meeting on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:30pm EST. Engage with others in our community: ostomates, friends, family and caregivers. All are welcome! 

You're invited to join an online meeting:

Title: Ostomy Toronto's Open Forum Meeting
Time: Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 7:30 PM EST 

Click here for meeting info & links
Be sure to click on the specific meeting date for the individual meeting link, or have meeting links emailed directly to you.


Hope to see you there!


Please note: Any and all political topics, or topics not related to living with Ostomy are not permitted at Ostomy Toronto's Open Forum Meetings. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

*REMINDER: Ostomy Toronto uses Zoom for monthly meetings.
Ostomy Canada Youth Camp: Registration Open
"Each year (public health rules govern) Ostomy Canada Society staff and a team of professional and dedicated volunteers provide a welcoming and transformational experience for up to 40 children and youth to attend the Easter Seals Camp Horizon, Bragg Creek, Alberta (southwest of Calgary).
We are excited to announce that CAMP IS BACK for 2024! The date of this year’s camp is Sunday, July 7, 2024 – Friday, July 12, 2024 and will again take place at Easter Seals Camp Horizon located in the beautiful foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains in Bragg Creek, AB."

 For more information about Ostomy Canada Youth Camp, please visit https://www.ostomycanada.ca/camp/ostomy-canada-youth-camp/
March 26: Monthly Meeting featuring Coloplast

Join Ostomy Toronto for our virtual Monthly Meeting, featuring a product presentation from Coloplast, on Tuesday, March 26 at 7:30pm. All are welcome! 

You're invited to join an online meeting:

Title: Ostomy Toronto's Monthly Meeting
Time: Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 7:30 PM 

Click here for meeting info & links
Be sure to click on the specific meeting date for individual meeting link, or sign up to receive meeting links direct to your inbox: https://www.ostomytoronto.com/sign-up


Hope to see you there!

*REMINDER: Ostomy Toronto uses Zoom for monthly meetings.
In Memoriam: Dr. Robin McLeod
"Dear Colleagues and Friends of the Department,

It was with profound sadness that we received the news that Dr. Robin S. McLeod, distinguished surgeon, investigator, teacher, mentor and leader well known to most members of our University Department of Surgery, passed away on February 6th, 2024.

Dr. McLeod was an incredible mentor and role model to many U of T residents, fellows and surgical colleagues, as well as to local and international surgery communities.

In Memoriam: Roger Ivol
via Ostomy Hamilton:
"It's with very sad news that we let you know of the passing of our former President, Roger Ivol.
Roger was dedicated to helping all ostomates in the community, whether it be by visiting new ostomates, training healthcare works and students, or finding and raising money to send kids to Ostomy Camp. Roger was also very active in Ostomy Canada Society, serving on the Board of Directors for many years and being the founding editor of the Ostomy Canada Magazine.
In 2008, Roger was a recipient of the Maple Leaf Award, the most prestigious award from Ostomy Canada Society, for outstanding volunteer service for the benefit of the Ostomy Canada Society and its members. He was a great friend to many of us, and we are devastated by his loss."
Ostomy Day Camp Program 2024
in partnership with The City of Toronto and OLG.
Ostomy Toronto will pay up to $1000 for a child with an ostomy or Jpouch to attend any day camp of their choice! Spots are limited, and on a first-come first-served basis. Qualifying requirements apply.
The qualifying requirements:
  1. Must be a resident of Toronto (requires proof of address)
  2. Must be 18 or younger (requires proof of age)
  3. Must have an ostomy or jpouch 
    (requires written note from a doctor, ET nurse, nurse practitioner, or registered nurse)
  4. Agree to provide pictures and and short report written by the parents on how camp was for the child
  5. Agree to join the Ostomy Toronto email list for meetings and other notices
  6. Complete application in full
All these requirements must be fulfilled in order to be approved for the day camp program. 
Please send application or questions to ostomytorontodaycamp@gmail.com
Sign up for Monthly Meeting Invitations!
To receive Ostomy Toronto Meeting Invitations sent directly to your inbox, click the link below to sign up: 

These emails will only be sent the mornings of each Monthly Meeting, and Monthly Open Forum/Peer Support Meeting. The emails will only contain the information required to sign in and attend the Ostomy Toronto Meetings. 
Please note: If you currently subscribe to our monthly newsletter, you will not be automatically subscribed to these email invitations, you will have to enter your name and email address HERE. 
*If you have previously signed up for these invitation emails, you do not need to sign up again.
The Ostomy Toronto Team

Jim Fitzgerald, President
Amy Taylor-Mitropoulos
, Treasurer 
Susan Uno, Bookkeeper

Urooba Ahad, Director
Glen D'Silva, Director
Michele Smith, Director


Antonio Pergola, Bingo Volunteer 
Linda Hurren, Bingo Volunteer
Jennifer Burnett, Bingo Volunteer
Melissa Aman, Bingo Volunteer
Cindy Zuccaro, Bingo Volunteer
Amanda Caristo, Social Media/Web Manager

The information contained in this Newsletter is presented for informational purposes only. None of the information is a substitute for professional medical care, attention by a qualified practitioner, or product information that can be gained from an ostomy product distributor, manufacturer or management professional, and under no circumstances may it be relied upon as such. Always check with your doctor or Enterostomal Nurse if you have any questions or concerns about your condition or if you are about to start a new program of treatment or management. Ostomy Toronto and the editors of this Newsletter are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any form of damages whatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) of information contained in or implied by this Newsletter.

OSTOMY TORONTO PO Box 38627 RPO Cummer North York, Ontario M2K 2Y5 Canada

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